Monday, January 16, 2012

Persephone's Ear Tumour is gone!

Persephone is home and recovering like nothing ever happened! Her ear looks remarkably normal now. The mass in her ear was a polyp that apparently had run down into her throat, hence the Dr suspects adding to her congestion and gurgli-ness. Who would have thought? 


Persephone went from being emaciated, dehydrated, congested and pregnant with an uncomfortable ear mass to a happy and healthy young feline.I told my husband last night how I was so glad I made the decision to bring her home. He agreed and said he could just tell by the sound in my voice that she was en route to our Cat Sanctuary.

Ear Before

Ear After

Persephone greets us with her dainty little meow at even the slightest eye glance her way. Her appetite is as voracious as ever and she is carrying around  toys in the kitchen. She sharpens her claws passionately on each post she finds. She really enjoys knocking thing off counters!

The greatest of thanks and appreciation to each of you that chipped-in to help with Persephone's surgery and to the Batesburg-Leesville Animal Hospital. We run this sanctuary with our own funds right now and every contribution makes a BIG difference, most importantly to the cats. Purrs, meows and love bites from Persephone xoxo 

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